SALMCO | Qualität seit 1984

Smoked marlin slices (separated by film sheets) are sliced with the SM 3029

Smoked salmon portions, separated by film sheets,
are sliced with the SM 3029

Smoked salmon ready to slice with the SM 5118

Vegetarian product sliced with the SM 5418

Smoked salmon fillets sliced with the SM 5418,
ready for processing

Shingled and grouped smoked salmon,
sliced with the SM 5218

Grouped and shingled slices of vegetarian product,
sliced with the SM 5218

Shingled smoked salmon, sliced with the SM 5218

Shingled and grouped smoked salmon,
sliced with the SM 5218

Smoked salmon fillet steaks, sliced with the SM 5290

Smoked salmon cubes, sliced on the skin with the SM 5290

Maki sushi rolls, sliced with the SM 5290

Sashimi sliced with SM 5290

Vegetarian product sliced by the SM 5290

Chicken breast, sliced with the SM 5290

Mackerel, sliced with the SM 5290 (skin and bones)